There really isn’t a term for a Guru in American society. There are spiritual leaders, life coaches, master teachers, master performers, and great artists, but no term for those that may encompass all of these purposes into one. Dr. Vasundhara Doraswamy is such a guru. She is someone who has brought perfection to her art and life through dedication and willpower and inspires the world to do the same.
There is a saying, ‘those that cannot do, teach.’ It may be true for some, but Amma has never fit a standard mold. When I watched her perform for the first time, I was spellbound. She danced for 3 hours and her stamina and grace never gave out. She played several characters in each dance and stories came together that one would expect from a theatre or full dance company. Just one person dominated the stage with exquisite excellence. When I sit in class watching other students, I am always intrigued at how Amma is more graceful leading from a sitting position than all the dancers standing and dancing. Her perfection has such force, that she is more lovely to watch in just expression than an entire room of excellent dancers giving their full effort.
Dr. Vasundhara Doraswamy is a force of nature, carved from strength of character, dedication to her art, and offering love with all her heart. To watch her dance is to know her, and to know her is to be on an extraordinary journey that will change you. My life has never been the same since I met her that strange day in a studio humming with devotion and a brightly adorned Amma sitting on the floor. Each day I aspire to be more like her in my quest for beautiful dance and a beautiful life. She inspires me to these aspirations and teaches me the tools I need to succeed. She is truly a marvel worthy of dedication. She is my guru. She is the guru of the world.
Ruric Amari
Senior Student - USA

I have known Vasundhara ji for nearly a decade as an Artist and as a Friend.
Founder and Director of Indian Dance Centre here in Sydney myself for past 35 years I got few but very cherished & Artistic opportunities to collabrate and work with Vasundhara ji.
What really impressed me and fascinated me as an Artist myself was that the way this creative woman has experimented and developed her classical Bharatnatyam dancing expertise with Yoga.. She has mastered the both Art forms in next highest level and the way she portrays and teaches them is beyond imagination and appreciation.
Indian dance centre has been very honoured that Vasundhara ji was able to devote her precious time in giving my students some fantastic Bharatnatyam and Yoga workshops and few tailored dance classes. She also performed few dance recitals under my Dance centre umbrella as our guest Artist.
I wish Vasundhara ji all the best for her present and future endevevours and look forward for her to keep rising and continuing educating young multicultural generations to come with her most knowledgeable artistic skills.
Raghavan Nair
Indian Dance Centre
Website: www.indiandancecentre.com.au
Raghavan Nair
Director - Indian Dance Centre - Sydney

My training during my formative years was in the Vazhuvoor Style of Bharathnatyam. When Amma started teaching my daughter, I learned she followed the Pandanallur style. What I noticed was Amma had a unique presentation that was a distillation of the Pandanallur style to a higher sense of perfection and technical brilliance. This not only elevated the dancer to a newer level of emotional transference, but the nuances transformed the dancer on stage which reflected on how the performances were received by the audience.
From the time Amma accepted me as a student, the next three years were nothing but sheer bliss, soaking in her teachings and immersing in her style. Whether it was going to dance before or after a hard day’s work, I could not wait to see her and get into rhythm. Her energy and passion for dance is contagious and missing a dance class due to a work schedule conflict only made you want it more the very next opportunity.
To me personally, training under a Guru like Amma is like doing a penance. It is akin to receiving a blessing from the Almighty. What it takes from us is desire, discipline and dedication. Just like the Ever Compassionate Mother Goddess, is always ready to embrace us in her arms and nurture our needs, so too is “Amma” who is ready to accept us as we are and help us reach our goal. In this bargain, without doubt, the student benefits far beyond his/her merit. And it is the gracious glance of our Guru that keeps the flame burning within us for dance. Thank you Amma, for giving me the confidence to pursue my dreams, and guiding me through these years both on- and off-stage.
Chandrika Srinivasan
Senior student - Louisville, KY

Writers have the profound ability to express themselves, translate their emotions, and describe their experiences in the form of words. They deliver the promise of art through their specific medium of expression. Being a dancer, my medium of expression is dance. Therefore, it is rather difficult to convey my sentiments through just words, as I have been asked to do here.
Living in the United States, I was never constantly surrounded by Indian culture. However, my mother, Chandrika Srinivasan, exposed me to Bharathnatyam at the age of 4, hoping to share with me a part of my own culture, tradition, and religion. I started going to dance class regularly because my mom insisted I go, for I did not yet know the value of this ancient art form.
In 2006, I was blessed to start classes with Vasundhara Amma, and at that time I had no idea what a profound effect she would have on me in the years to come. Through the process of training for my Rangapravesham and continuing to learn in the years following, I have gained self-worth as well as respect and appreciation for dance and my elders. However, the depth of my love for this art is all due to my Guru. She has crafted me with her own hands into the dancer and person I am today.
Her expertise in the arts, her discipline to accept nothing but one’s best and her caring nature to help one attain his/her goal is the Amma we all know and love. For this reason, everything I do, both on and off the dance floor, is dedicated to her. Other than my father and my own mother, Vasundhara Amma is responsible for my passion, growth, and success - today, and in the future.
Neha Srinivasan
Senior Student, Louisville KY
Vasundhara Amma has played a significant role in my life as not only a dance teacher but also as a mother and a role model. Throughout the years that she has come to visit us in the United States, she has maintained her vision for us as her students and has kept us focused. The love and compassion that exists in the relationship between Amma and us, as her students, exceeds that of a student-teacher relationship. She is the perfect embodiment of a teacher: caring and compassionate, but at the same time strict to correct errors and set us on the correct path. Every year that Amma comes to visit us, our relationship grows and my love for her persists. She will forever be a person with a large impact on my life and a person whom I respect and care about.
Thank you,
Manasaa Kannan and Chithra Ram
Manasaa Kannan
Senior Student from Louisville,(USA)
She has been a powerful bridge between classical dance, Yoga, Folk and Martial Arts.
Dr.M.Surya Prasad
Renowned Music and Dance Critic
Vasundhara is a complete artiste, deeply involved in her art. Much remains to be done by all of us to celebrate this great artist.
Rajeev Taranath
Padma Shri - Sarod Exponent
Vasundhara is a multifaceted personality with deep knowledge of our classical art who I have the pleasure of being associated for the past twenty years.Few people in the art field like Vasundhara have so much knowledge of the classical shastras. I am sure that the recognition for her service towards this art will come true.
Saroja Vaidyanathan
Padma Bhushan - Bharatanatyam Exponent / Teacher
She is not a person, but an "institution" by herself.
President - VPAC Trust
I am quite aware of your tireless involvement in promoting and propagating Indian classical dance and culture which is really praiseworthy.
Dr.Vyjayantimala Bali
Noted Bharatanatyam Dancer and ex-Rajyasabha Member